El Monte Aconcagua, un símbolo del turismo en Mendoza

Si bien las opciones para el turismo en Mendoza son diversas y abundantes, el perfil natural de la región cuyana es lo que más seduce a sus visitantes. Las imponentes cadenas montañosas y los caudalosos y turbulentos ríos hace de esta provincia una alternativa irresistible. Uno de los atractivos más célebres y populares es el Monte Aconcagua, ya transformado en un símbolo de la región de Cuyo.

El Monte Aconcagua, cuya ubicación es  69 ° 59 ‘de longitud Oeste y 32 ° 39’ de latitud Sur, con sus 6.962 metros sobre el nivel del mar, es la cumbre más alta del Hemisferio Sur. Además, es una de las «Siete Cumbres», un circuito de montaña que implica el desafío de llegar a la cima de los picos más altos de cada continente. Este monte también es llamado Akon-Kauak, que en lengua quechua significa “Centinela de Piedra”.

La expedición al Aconcagua tiene distintas rutas para el ascenso. La más común es la noroeste, considerada técnicamente sencilla, ya que no hay necesidad de escalar en roca ni de usar equipos de oxigeno. Sin embargo, no hay que olvidar que se trata de una cumbre de 6.000 metros, y la inestabilidad climática que ese factor acarrea.

Otra forma de acceso menos frecuentada es la ruta Glaciar de los Polacos, que es de dificultad moderada, por lo que requiere conocimientos de escalada en hielo. Este camino ofrece una excelente oportunidad de entrenamiento para prepararse para cumbres más complejas

Con seguridad, el principal desafío en el Aconcagua es el ascenso al muro sur. Su vista es increíble, pero también es muy arriesgado y difícil, que posee 3.000 metros de altura. Siendo una de las paredes de piedra más grandes del mundo, su ascensión no se completó hasta el año 1954.

Para tener éxito en el ascenso al Aconcagua, es requisito indispensable contar con una óptima condición física, una capacidad de aclimatarse adecuada y un servicio logístico bien planeado y eficiente.  Por otra parte, es conveniente realizar este tipo de expediciones durante el verano en la región de Cuyo, es decir, entre el mes de Diciembre y el de Marzo.

Las expediciones al Aconcagua despliegan los mejores escenarios para el turismo en Mendoza. Desde el momento de llegada cada uno de los visitantes clava sus ojos en la majestuosidad del pico más alto de Sudamérica, sin poder apartarlos hasta la partida.

Javier Kravalosky
turismo en Mendoza

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Come to Visit Mendoza and Stay at The Diplomatic Hotel

Visitors from all over the world come to stay at the Diplomatic Hotel when they visit the beautiful city of Mendoza. Cuyo region is internationally known as the land of good sunshine and good wine. Mount Aconcagua is the highest peak in South America, and it is one of the most fascinating attractions this province has to offer. Fantastic vineyards spread over the entire mediterranean territory, and an exquisite Malbec is the final outcome of a meticulous care of the grape and its land.  The history of this province is also very emotive, as it is the place from where General San Martín began his heroic deed of going across the Andean Mountain Range to fight for South America’s freedom.

The city of Mendoza is cuddled up by the Andean Mountain Range and the Mendoza and Tunuyán Rivers. Every water course in this region has been channeled in order to supply irrigation systems and guarantee domestic use. The ground in Mendoza is quite arid, but fields and vineyards are fertile and productive, due to the complex and extensive irrigation system which manages to wet the soil constantly. That is the reason why the wines are so smooth and silky.

The city of Mendoza and its surroundings are wonderful to visit throughout the entire year. The weather could not be better, with sunny days and gentle temperatures. Summers are hot during the day, but fresh and comfortable at night. In winter the temperature drops and the snow gathers everyone´s attention. The ski season starts and the trails of Las Leñas and Los Penitentes get really crowded. The climate in Mendoza is great for those who enjoy outdoors activities and extreme sports. Rafting, kayaking or windsurfing can be practiced in its rushing rivers.The colossal mountains are perfect to try rock climbing, trekking or mountaineering.

For those who prefer quieter activities, numerous sightseeing tours are offered to show visitors Mendoza´s history and culture. They go to museums, parks and public building and institutions. The city of Mendoza keeps many stories and traditions from San Martin’s times and its people feel profoundly proud of sharing them with the entire world.

Some kilometres away from the Diplomatic Hotel, tourists can visit sveral traditional wineries, all of them set over the Wine Route. There, the visitors have the chance to taste Mendoza´s finest products: the regional wines.

Javier Kravalosky

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Wine Tasting and Relaxing at the Finest Mendoza’s Hotel

The province of Mendoza is globally known for its appetizing cuisine and its delicate wines. Lots of tourists from different countries come to visit and stay in Mendoza. Hotel accommodation is not that easy to find, so it is quite important to make previous reservations. Most of the hotels in the capital offer regional meals and our traditionally smooth wines. There are many interesting gastronomic tours available for those who enjoy and appreciate first class cuisine and wines. During wine tours plenty of wineries are visited and the wine making process can be observed from a much closer perspective.

The Bike Wine Tour is one of the most popular among young people and sports lovers. Basically, it involves wine tasting and bike riding throughout 10-15 miles. It is a great outdoor activity for athletic gourmets. It takess almost an entire day on a bicycle, on a peaceful ride. Quite delicious meals, high quality wines and brand new bikes are, in a few words, what this enjoyable and dynamic tour has to offer. There are several trip combinations available for the bike tour, according to the interests and requests of the participants. Climatic conditions must also be considered. However, the weather in Mendoza is usually sunny, so it may be not a crucial factor. In order to keep everyone safe, van assistance is also provided in case of any inconvenient situation.

The itinerary of the wine tour entails several stages of biking and stops for meals and wine tasting. The trip begins early in the morning, and the departure places are Luján de Cuyo or Uco Valley, depending on the combination the group has chosen. They ride their bikes for an hour and get to the first destinations, Catena Zapata or Andeluna wineries. Another hour goes by tasting wine and touring over the buildings. After that, they take their bikes and ride to the second winery, Ruca Malén or Salentein. There, the group enjoys a guided tour around the place. Later on they have lunch and keep on the wine tasting.

The trip ends nearly at five in the afternoon and the group is ready to return to Mendoza, to the hotel. This tour allows visitors to get to know the most typical wineries and their surroundings in a different and amusing way, by doing some mountain biking and admiring the beautiful landscape.

Javier Kravalosky

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High Adrenaline Levels during Your Stay at the Mendoza’s 5 Stars Hotel

Sports fans find in Mendoza a paradise of adventure tourism. Many visitors from all over the world come to stay at the Mendoza’s 5 Stars Hotel and to enjoy the warm temperatures and the marvelous landscapes this province has to offer. Rafting is the first choice among those who love outdoors activities and prefer high adrenaline levels. And for those who have never tried it, the furious rapids of the rivers in Mendoza can be an experience full of dynamics and excitement they will never forget.

Mendoza is internationally famous as a vineyard territory, due to its delicious and notable wines. But it is also very popular among the extreme sports fans, who come to Cuyo region to have a wonderful time hiking, skiing, rock climbing, rafting, windsurfing or kayaking. For those who enjoy rafting, the Mendoza River offers the perfect scenario of III or IV graded rapids. A great number of tourism agencies offer different rafting tours, according to the level of complexity the customers are willing to face.

In the beginning of this excursion, the guides give tourists some tips and indications about rafting and safety. Then, they are taken to the rafts, wearing the helmets and vests provided for their protection. The climate conditions are usually very good, and comfortable temperatures provide the perfect scenario to start paddling in order to face the rapids. El Laberinto, Picoli, Concejal, La Piedra Mala and La Muralla China are the most popular rapids over these water courses.

Rafts move forward along the river and many rock formations can be seen along the way. The excitement increases among the raft occupants as they avoid the obstacles. Then, some mounts show up and waters get milder. The range of hills is beautiful and they are huge, making impossible not to look at them. Some of these mounts are better known than others, and they have been named. The ones called Cocodrilo, El Mirador and El Calavera are frequenty identified by the expedition’s guides, so everybody on the raft can enjoy their magnificence. The abundant waterfalls and shakes add more action to this experience and the raft occupants can not have enough of them.

This kind of extreme activity provides infinite pleasure and amusement to those who try it. Every guest at the Mendoza’s 5 Stars Hotel has experienced  the uniqueness of these magical landscapes and the amazing attractions in the province.

Javier Kravalosky

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Alojamientos en Mendoza

Mendoza es una ciudad con una locación estratégica en el cono Sur. Su cercanía con la República de Chile, y su proximidad a los pasos internacionales más importantes que cruzan la cordillera de los Andes hacen que esta urbe se haya convertido en un paso obligado para todo el tráfico que se lleva a cabo en la región mendocina entre Argentina y Chile. Por esta razón, la ciudad ha sabido interpretar la necesidad de crear una infraestructura que acompañe el importante crecimiento económico que esta situación de punto referencia para el transporte internacional trae aparejado. En consecuencia, los hoteles en Mendoza Capital han experimentado un crecimiento sostenido en los últimos años, en parte como resultado de una política de estado que ha decidido acompañar el desarrollo del turismo como una de las principales industrias de la provincia, y en parte por la cantidad de inversiones del sector privado que apuntan a mejorar servicios y prestaciones.

Muchos hoteles se han creado en los últimos años en la ciudad de Mendoza, algunos de ellos de gran categoría. Un ejemplo de alojamiento en Mendoza de categoría superior es el Diplomatic Hotel. El mismo cuenta con grandes ventajas comparativas que lo ponen en un lugar destacado en la escena de la hotelería local. Ubicado en el cruce de las tradicionales calles de Sarmiento y Belgrano, se encuentra a pocas cuadras del centro comercial y de negocios de la ciudad. Además, es posible acceder desde aquí a las principales arterias por lo que el aeropuerto del Plumerillo queda solo a unos pocos minutos.

El Diplomatic brinda una amplia gama de servicios, especialmente pensados para turistas que desean conocer lo mejor de la ciudad de Mendoza, como también para ejecutivos que se ven en la necesidad de visitar esta ciudad por cuestiones laborales. Así, el Diplomatic es mucho más que un hotel en Mendoza, podría decirse que es un completo centro de servicios destinado a hacer que la experiencia de la estadía en él sea de máximo provecho y disfrute. Para comenzar, quienes amen el buen comer y los vinos de calidad, encontrarán en el restó La Bourgogne un sitio donde podrán disfrutar de los platillos más representativos de la gastronomía local, conjugados con lo mejor de la cocina Mediterránea e internacional. La Bourgogne está a cargo de Jean Paul Bondeaux, chef de una vasta experiencia en distintos resorts y hoteles de cinco estrellas de todo el mundo.

No deje de visitar el Diplomatic Hotel en su próximo viaje, el hotel de Mendoza de categoría superior. En él encontrará un staff de profesionales dedicados a hacer de su estadía en esta bellísima ciudad una experiencia inolvidable.

Javier Kravalosky

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Un alojamiento en Mendoza con tarifas preferenciales

Cuando se planifican las vacaciones, son muchos los factores que deben ser tenidos en cuenta. Desde los aspectos legales relacionados con los requerimientos para ingresar en el país, la necesidad de una visa, o cualquier otro tipo de trámite requerido para no tener ningún tipo de problemas; hasta las comunicaciones, los medios de transporte disponibles, y las comodidades que cada sitio que deseemos visitar dispone. Lo ideal, si nos disponemos a pasar unas vacaciones donde abunden las opciones de turismo de aventura y los paisajes naturales, es que se pueda combinar todos los beneficios de la “civilización” con lo que la naturaleza tiene para ofrecer. Y este punto óptimo de balance se alcanza en lugares como Mendoza. El turismo en Mendoza tiene todo, para todos los gustos: hermosas ciudades, dispuestas a recibir al turismo con todas las comodidades del siglo XXI, y a muy poca distancia, increíbles paisajes naturales, escenario ideal para la práctica del turismo aventura.

Mendoza tiene esta fantástica dualidad: por un lado es sumamente sencillo para llegar, dado que la zona presenta una excelente infraestructura caminera, combinada con la posibilidad de vuelos internacionales. Además, Mendoza dispone de hotelería de primer nivel, que puede ser equiparada con los “leading hotels” del mundo. Un claro ejemplo de hotel de Mendoza ciudad de categoría superior es el Executive Hotel. En consecuencia, los turistas podrán gozar de un alojamiento Premium en la ciudad, a la vez que están a pocos kilómetros de las locaciones más importantes para la práctica del turismo aventura y los deportes extremos e invernales.

Para hacer que la propuesta sea más atractiva, el Executive Hotel tiene una promoción irresistible, la “Promo 4×3 y Family Plan”, que acepta hasta dos menores de 12 años sin cargo. Así, las familias con hijos chicos y adolescentes no deberán privarse de los muchos atractivos que la región cuyana tiene para ofrecer: la nieve, los valles siempre verdes y los increíbles picos nevados de la Cordillera de los Andes. En suma: todo para que todos la pasen de maravillas: para papá y mamá, una bellísima ciudad, con sitios históricos y callecitas que invitan a la caminata, con un importante centro comercial, donde es posible comer, o tomar algo en alguno de los cientos de cafés y bares que se brindan a manos llenas al flujo de turismo constante. Y para los chicos, cabalgatas, excursiones de rafting y muchos paseos al aire libre. En definitiva, cuando se piensa en alojamiento en Mendoza y tarifas disponibles, este tipo de consideraciones también tienen que ser hechas, para apreciar el enorme beneficio comparativo que las vacaciones en esta provincia significan.

Javier Kravalosky

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Attend to the Grape Harvest Festival During Your Stay at the Mendoza’s 4 Stars Hotel

A nice rest at the Mendoza’s 4 Stars Hotel is highly recommended in order to get ready for the most exciting week in the mediterranean province. Parades, musical shows, wine tasting and beauty contests are some of the proposlas to celebrate the new harvest. The origins of the Grape Harvest Festival date back to 1936, when it used to take place at the General San Martín Park. Ever since, this celebration has been part of Mendoza’s culture and, year after year, the ritual comes back to life. As the most important social event in Cuyo region, this event has become one of the most important festivities over the whole country.

The Grape Harvest Festival starts with a tour of carrousels along San Martín Avenue. Many of the visitors are part of the huge audience at the Gimnasia y Esgrima stadium, where the main acts take place. However, the festival is not officially inaugurated until the Blessing of the Fruit is held. This event is performed in tribute to the first peasants, who used to thank the Carrodilla Virgin for the good yields. They did it in every winery, and it became a tradition as time went by. That is why the Blessing is such a relevant part of the festival.

The Queen’s White Way is a moment full of expectations and emotions. During this national celebration, people from every department of Mendoza province wait till that evening to cheer for their candidates, hoping one of them becomes the Grape Harvest Queen. The following day, the queen parade can be enjoyed along the main streets. Gorgeous queens and princesses of each department ride on their carriages, waving and thanking to the crowd. At night, the Election of the Grape Harvest Queen takes place at the Romero Day Greek Theater. Tourists and residents attend to the ceremony, full of surprises and artistic shows.

The Grape Harvest Festival is a national and popular celebration, which no guest at the Mendoza’s 4 Stars Hotel should ever miss. Winegrowers, winemakers and all those who take part on the wine production are there to celebrate their achievements and to share their creations during a fantastic show of light, colors and music. March is certainly the merriest and most festive month for Cuyo region, as this marvelous festivity takes place, seizing the warm weather of the last summer days.

Javier Kravalosky

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Estocada mortal al estrés con vacaciones en Mendoza

La provincia de Mendoza en Argentina ha sido bendita con una gran cantidad de parajes de asombrosa belleza, que le quitan el aliento al visitante. Afortunadamente, gracias a una serie de inversiones particulares y a una decisión política de acompañar estos esfuerzos, se ha creado una importante infraestructura que acompaña esta bella topografía. En consecuencia, hay gran cantidad de parajes ideales para pasar unas vacaciones en Mendoza que ayuden a recargar las pilas para todo el año, y atesorar una experiencia que durará de por vida.

Una de las primeras cosas que impresionan al recién llegado es la calidad del aire mendocino que gracias al clima seco y la altura alcanza importantes niveles de pureza. Lo mismo sucede con el agua, obtenida principalmente del deshielo que alimenta los ríos y arroyos cuyanos. Los picos mendocinos albergan gran cantidad de glaciares y hielos perennes, considerados uno de los reservorios más importantes del mundo de agua potable. Afortunadamente, también se ha comprendió en Mendoza que la preservación de estos valiosos recursos naturales constituye una acción que redundará en un beneficio no solo para todos nosotros sino de la posteridad.

Una de las experiencias más revitalizantes y agradables es una travesía de mountain bike desde la ciudad de Mendoza a Chacras de Coria, a escasos 25 kilómetros de distancia. Chacras de Coria es un lugar muy especial. Goza de un microclima particular, y de una vegetación inusual para la región. La razón de esto es que este paraje es una especie de oasis enclavado en la precordillera cuyana. Con apenas 6.000 habitantes, el pueblo cuenta con una importante historia que se remonta a 1576, cuando las tierras –que originariamente era de los indígenas locales- fueron cedidas a Juan Hilario Coria Yáñez.

En Chacras de Coria se puede disfrutar del típico paisaje de un encantador pueblito, con acequias y amplias calles arboladas. El pueblo cuenta con gran cantidad de bodegas abiertas al público, donde se podrá apreciar el proceso de la elaboración de los vinos artesanales, y visitar los museos donde se exhiben antiguos implementos que se empleaban en la industria bodeguera en siglos pasados. Paulatinamente, la zona se ha convertido en un codiciado sitio para la construcción de mansiones e imponentes casas de fin de semana, alentadas por lo bello de sus paisajes, y la cercanía con la ciudad capital. Definitivamente, Chacras de Coria es un interesante lugar para las vacaciones en Mendoza donde es posible alojarse en modernos hoteles boutique, o sencillas posadas, una alternativa para todos los gustos.

Javier Kravalosky

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Great Places to Visit A Few Blocks Away from the Finest Mendoza’s 4 Stars Hotel

When coming to Mendoza, the 4 Stars Hotel is the best option for a comfortable stay. The capital city in the touristic Cuyo region offers its visitors an huge amount of interesting proposals. The first moment they arrive, visitors appreciate the numerous squares and parks in our capital. The urban look of the capital city is beautifully complemented by these green areas, making it a symbol of the land of good sunshine. Pretty active social life takes place in these natural spaces, from peaceful strolls to acrobatic excercises right up on the trees. This versatility comes from the combination of diverse flora species with modern, European and 19th century architectural designs.

As a great achievement of urban planning, the most popular squares are known for their symmetrical design and their equidistance from each other. Like an oasis, they bring sparkles and bloom to this dry zone, at the foot of the Andean Mountain Range. San Martín, España, Chile, Italia and Independencia are the names of these famous squares.Every visitor in Mendoza choses these plazas for a quiet evening or even a relaxing picnic after exciting and exhausting excursions, such as rafting or horseback riding.

Until 1904, San Martín Square was known as “Cobo”. Then its name was changed to the Liberator’s. It is placed on the embankment zone and it is 747 meters form the sea level. A huge equestrian statue of General San Martin lies on the center of the park.  España Square is four blocks away from Independencia Square and its name is related to the Spanish 19th century architectural style. Chile Square is located in the middle of the residential zone, surrounded by eucalyptus and rosebuds. It is a tribute to the neighboring country for its assistance during the 1861 earthquake. Italia Square is a gift for the Italian community living in Mendoza. Italian friezes and majolica can be appreciated together with the Romulo and Remo sculpture.  Finally, Independencia Square is the most important one. Paced in the core Mendoza City, it covers 1,600 square meters. The Municipal Theatre and the Municipal Museum of Modern Art lie under its central terrace.

The squares of the capital city are a mandatory recommendation for every guest in Mendoza, at our 4 Stars Hotel. Fountains, columns, shady trees and all kind of birds are some of the many marvelous characteristics of these picturesque spaces.

Javier Kravalosky

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The Perfect Mix In Mendoza: Mountains and Rivers

Extreme sports such as rafting are some of the main reasons why so many tourists from all over the world come to Mendoza. Hotel accomodation is the first thing they look for, rafting tours are their second priority. Those who love outdoors activities and enjoy adventure do not hesitate in trying one of these excursions. And for those who have never tried it, the rapids can be an experience full of adrenaline and excitement they will never forget.

The province of Mendoza is famous for its fantastic vineyards and every activity related to them. But it is also very popular for its beautiful mountains and rivers, where adventure sports are the most relevant attraction. Mendoza River offers the perfect scenario to those who want to enjoy different kinds of thrills. Many tourism agencies offer extreme excursions and adventure trips, which include rafting in rapids and cool waters.

During the adventure trip itself, the guides give tourists some tips and indications about rafting and safety. Then, they are taken to the rafts, wearing the helmets and vests provided for their protection. Weather is usually very good, and comfortable temperatures are the perfect complement to start paddling in order to face the rapids. El Laberinto, Picoli, Concejal, La Piedra Mala and La Muralla China are the most popular rapids over these water courses. Everyone who has practiced rafting should have heard from them at least once.

As the rafts move forward, rock formations begin to show up, the rafting gains adrenaline and the “rafters” get a little more nervous. The appearance of some hills can be useful to calm down some agitated hearts.  Due to their striking beauty and their significant size, no one can take their eyes out of them.  Some of these mounts are better known than others, and have been named. The ones called Cocodrilo, El Mirador and El Calavera are frequenty identified by the expedition’s guides, so everybody on the raft can enjoy their splendor.  Each fall adds more and more enthusiasm and tourists can not have enough of them.

The entire group on the raft gets infinite pleasure from this kind of extreme activity. It is certainly one of a kind experience this province has to offer. Beautiful landscapes and breathtaking sports combine perfectly to offer an outstanding alternative, which none of the guests at any Mendoza’s Hotel would ever miss.

Javier Kravalosky

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